The Atlantic Boat Club (ABC) is situated in Harbour Rd, Hout Bay, Cape Town, South Africa.
It has a strong membership of anglers, both provincial as well as national members of deep sea fishing. Set in one of the most beautiful harbours in South Africa. The ABC Regularly hosts a selection of deep sea fishing competitions such as the Tuna Nationals, Tuna Masters and the Tuna Derby.
Annual subscriptions and benefits of being a club member and what is offered
- Social / Fishing / Boating gathering venue
- Selective membership base
- Exclusivity as a member – great venue to mix and make new friends
- 20% members discount on already cheaper bar prices
- Regular Happy Hours and complimentary snacks
- Members accumulative cash draw and many other lucky draws and raffles
- Other selected social functions
- Complimentary members WiFi availability
- 4 big TV’s for convenient viewing of all sporting events
- Consistent communications using platforms like newsletters / email / FaceBook / web page
- Selective galley meal deals
- Pre-arranged and organised fishing tournaments and challenge events
- Social Events
- A clean and upgraded spacious club facility with great views
- Members usage as a function venue
- As a club, we are members of HOME HEROES to ensure you get home safely
- Friendly staff and committee on hand
Convenience aspects
- Open 6-7 days a week
- Fully managed secure marina facility
- On premises restaurant – offers a 10% discount on presentation of your club membership card
- Adequate convenient parking
- Being situated in the harbour allows easy access to community markets and other attractions
The balance of the subscription fee is made up of the following:
- WP Affiliation Fee – (A Compulsory Fee – Vat is charged ) being a fishing club and affiliated to South African Deep Sea Angling [SADSAA] and Western Province Deep Sea Angling Association [WPDSAA ]which are recognised by Government we are obliged to pay the compulsory annual fee per member
Most importantly the following extract: By being affiliated to WPDSAA clubs have a right to a lease of their existing sport club facility being that the club belongs to an authenticated sports body which is recognized by Government through WPDSAA affiliation to SADSAA the Western Province Sport Council and SASACC and SASCOC
- R338.33 VAT – being recognised by government as a Sports and Recreational Facility it is mandatory to include VAT on all subscription’s obtained
Payment OPTION facility
The committee recognises that during these difficult times a one off payment can be restrictive. Therefore, to make it easier, any split and/or quarterly payment can be arranged with the Club office.
In closing we also appeal to all members to please consider the clubs constitution on guest’s visitation rights –
“No person should be introduced as a guest into the club premises more than SIX [6] times during any period of TWELVE [12] months “
Please respect this rule in fairness to all other fellow club members who do pay subscriptions and are entitled to their rights and privileges
PLEASE utilise what’s YOURS and support YOUR club at every opportunity